Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Dahwa Kaisar

To the Emperor's preaching of the Prophet


Bazzar has been reported from Al-Kalbi Dihyah ra. he said: I have been sent by the Prophet Muhammad with a letter to the Emperor, the Roman dignitary. When I arrived at home, I continued to come, then I handed the letter to him, beside his nephew was a red-skinned and straight hair. He also read a letter which reads (Nas's correspondence is in the Al-Wan-Nihayah Bidayah 3:83). "From Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, to Heraclius, the Roman dignitary."
At the sound of the letter, Roman dignitary getting angry, and then argue: "This letter is not to be read now!" he grinned. "Why?" asked the Emperor. "She started with her name first before you. Then he called you with a magnifying Rom, Rom instead Maharaja". "No", greeted the Emperor, "let this letter be read to know it". Letter of the Prophet Muhammad continued to read to finish, and after all the Emperor's escort, escort out of majlisnya, I was called to go.
Along with that dipanggilkan bishop who knows the ins and outs of their religion. Emperor and told the Bishop that, and once again the letter was read to him. "This is what we've always been waiting for, and our prophet Jesus himself has told us a long time yet!" The bishop said to the Emperor. "What do you think should I do?" asked the emperor to the Bishop. "If you ask me, I would believe it and will follow his teachings," the bishop replied honestly. "But I was so completely wrong," the Emperor said, "If I take your advice, would there goes my kingdom".
We went outside to leave. And what a coincidence, at that time, Abu Sufyan bin Harb was in Rom. Abu Sufyan was called by the emperor to his palace and asked Muhammad about it.
"Tell you tell us about people who claim that the Prophet in your land?" asked the Emperor.
"He's a young man", replied Abu Sufyan.
"How do you position in the public view, he is noble".
"About his position and his descendants, who did nothing more than standing and his descendants!" Abu Sufyan replied honestly.
"This is surely the signs of prophethood." Emperor whispering to the people next to him.
"How he spoke, there he was always telling the truth?"
"Yes", replied Abu Sufyan. "He's never told a lie".
"This is again a sign of prophetic!" Emperor continued to whisper to people who mengiringnya it. "Well", said the Emperor again. "People who rnengikutnya of your people, it is there he left his religion, then return the original to you?"
"No", replied Abu Sufyan.
"This is again a sign of prophetic!" said the Emperor, too. "Is there a war going on between you him?"
"There!" Abu Sufyan replied.
"Who always wins?"
"Sometimes he beat us, and sometimes we beat him," explained Abu Sufyan.
"This is again a sign of prophetic!" said that the Roman Emperor.
Al-Kalbi said Dihyah ra. so on: So I was summoned by the Roman emperor, while he said to me: "Convey to pembesarmu news, that I knew he was right of the Prophet", he pointed out quite correctly in front of her words. "But what is power", he said, "I can not do anything, I'm not willing kerana ousted from the kingdom!" Al-Kalbi said Dihyah ra. is up to all these events.
As for the Bishop of that, then ramailah people who come to church every Sunday. He continued to meet with them and convey all the Christian teachings. It's working every day on Sunday. But when Sunday came after the meeting, he continued to dwell in the house, not going out as usual. After the introduction of the first day, indeed I often come to him to talk about Islam, and he kept asking me about the Prophet SAW.
The next Sunday, Bishop kept quiet, and feel disappointed crowd waited, but he did not come. Then there came to his home say hello, then he asked diuzurkan kerana sick. Something similar took place so many times, so people suspect. They then sent messengers to the bishop, gave him a warning, if you do not want to come also to the church to convey his teachings, then they would pour into his house and kill him, kerana they had thought that since the arrival of the Arabs to the Rum , Bishop attitude has changed.
The Roman bishop was even called me to come to his house. "This is my letter, and handed over to pembesarmu take it", the Bishop's message to heart is not quiet. "Say hello to him, and let them know that I believe there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of bahawasanya God. Say also, that I believe him, trust him, and became his followers. And my people have been denied all the words and advice, then you Also tell me what you see it ", the Bishop's message to me. When Bishop was reluctant to come to church anymore, they are angry, then they killed him. (Al-Haitsami: Majma'uz-Zawa'id 8:236-237. Abu Nu'Alm also narrated a similar story, but concise, in-Nubuwah Dalaa'ilun, p. 121.)
Abdan reported from Ibn Ishak who quotes from a few people know of this incident, he said that Heraclius said to Al-Kalbi Dihyah ra. "Woe to you, is for the sake of Allah, I know that pembesarmu it was the prophet who was sent, and he was the one that we wait all this time, and nature is in our book. But, alas, I'm undecided I will be overthrown from the kingdom. If kerana not it, of course I will follow it. Let you go to the Bishop and tell us about it pembesarmu case, kerana bishop was more respected men of religion and speech are certainly more acceptable ".
Dihyah then also get the news and told the Bishop that he was carrying it, then when he heard all the news, the bishop said: "Pembesarmu that, for the sake of Allah, is a prophet who was sent, we know the properties and his name!" The bishop and his church undressing, and replace with all-white outfit. He was out in the crowd while mengisytiharkan penyaksiannya into Islam. Crowd was gathered around him and killed him. (Al-Ishabah 2:216)

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