Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Khadija al-Kubra ra

Khadija al-Kubra ra


Khadijah RHA. was the first to embrace Islam. He occupied a place of honor as the first wife of Prophet Muhammad. When he married, 25-year-old Muhammad and Khadijah 40 years. On the appointed day, a relative of Muhammad, including his uncle Abu Talib and Hamzah ra, gathered at the house of Khadija RHA. Abu Talib was the one who gave a speech in their wedding ceremony. Prophet Muhammad did not marry another woman during Khadijah was still alive. Khadijah Muhammad was accompanied after 25 years of marriage, and died three years before the Hijrah.
Khadijah gave six children, two boys: Qasim and Abdullah, both died as a baby and her four children: Fatima az-Zahra, Zainab, Ruqaya, and Ummi Kalsum. Because Qasim was the Prophet sometimes called Abul Qasim (father of Qasim). His son - Zainab - Zainab was married to cousins. Both of the other girls, Ruqaya RHA. by Usman ra. Ummi Kalsum and RHA. also with Usman ra. after Ruqaya died. Fatima az-Zahra RHA, the most loved son of the Prophet, was married to Ali ra. Descent is the successor to the Prophet through the boy az-Zahra Fatima, Hasan and Husain. Except Ibrahim who also died at a young age, all children of the Prophet from his marriage with Khadija. The house was later bought by Khadijah's residence Amir Muawiya and converted into a mosque. Until now, the mosque was still using the name of that great woman.
When the Prophet SAW had obstacles and distractions of the men of Quraysh, the two men stood beside her. The two women stood behind the Islamic da'wah, support and hard work devoted to its leader, Muhammad SAW: Khadijah bint Fatimah bint Asad Khuwailid and. Khadijah therefore entitled to be the best woman in the world. How not to be like that, she is Mother of Mu'minin, the best of wives and set a good example for those who follow his example. Khadijah set up a comfortable home for the Prophet before he was appointed as the Prophet and helped him when reflected in the Cave of Hira '.
Khadijah was the first woman who believed in him when the Prophet SAW praying (begging) to his Lord. Khadijah was the best of women who help him with life, property and family. Peri fragrant life, life is full of virtue and his soul full of goodness. Rasulullah SAW said: "Khadijah believed me when people are broken, she testified to me when people are denied and he helped me with his money when people do not give me anything." Why do we bother to look for example here and there, in the case before us there is "the best woman in the world," Khadijah bint Khuwailid, Umm Mu'minin faithful and obedient, who get along well with her husband and help him in seclusion before the appointed time be a prophet and affirm and confirm it.
Khadijah precede all the faith in his treatise, and help him and the Muslims with the life, property and family. Then Allah avenge his services to religion and his Prophet to the best of both children and give pleasure and enjoyment in his palace, as the Prophet told, him in his lifetime. Imam Bukhari narrates that when Gabriel came to the Prophet SAW, he said: "O, Messenger of Allah, Khadijah is has come to bring a bowl of soup and food or drink. When he comes to you, to convey greetings to him from his Lord and me, and tell him about a house in the Paradise of pearls that there is no noise in it and there is no hardship. "(Fadhaail Ashhaabin Prophet Muhammad, Imam Adh-Dzahabi said: "Keshahihannya been agreed.")
Is not this better than the palace of palaces in the world, O, people are deceived by the world? Hadrat Khadijah RHA. is the first woman to join the group of people Mu'min is the first to believe in Allah in the earth after the Prophet Muhammad. Khadijah RHA. banner of the Prophet Muhammad brought together from the first moment, strive and work hard. He spent his fortune and hostile to his people. He stood behind her husband and the Prophet until the last breath, and should be the ultimate role model for women. Why not, because Khadijah RHA. is a supporter since the beginning of prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. Ar-Ruuhul Amiin have come down to him the first time in a cave on the mountain, and told him to read verses from the noble, according to the will of God Almighty. Then he appeared in his path, between heaven and earth. He did not look right or left so that the Prophet Muhammad saw, and then he stopped, not forward and not backward. It all happened when the Prophet was among the mountain roads in a state of loneliness, not an entertainer, friends, servants and helpers. The Prophet remained in that attitude until the angel left her. Then, he went to Khadija in a state of fear due to be heard and seen. When you see them, Khadijah said: "Where thou, O, abal Qasim? By Allah, I have sent several messengers to look for you until they arrived in Mecca, and then come back to me." So the Prophet Muhammad told his story to Khadijah RHA. Khadijah RHA. said: "How Firm Gembiralah and, oh, son of my uncle. By Allah who controls my life, I really hope you become a prophet of this people."
The Prophet SAW did not get it, except for his edification, penggembiraan for themselves and support for business. The Prophet SAW never get him something terrible, either in the form of rejection, disbelieving, derision or evasion against him. However, Khadijah vacate his chest, eliminate sadness, cool off and alleviate his problem. Similarly, women should be ideal. That she, Khadijah RHA, which Allah has sent greetings to him. So Gabriel descended, U. S. convey greetings to the Prophet SAW and said to him: "Tell Khadijah greetings from her Lord. Then the Prophet SAW said:" O Khadija, is Gabriel sending greetings to you from your Lord. "So Khadijah RHA. replied:" Allah the lower bay (welfare) , from whom are greeting (welfare), and Gabriel may be greeting (welfare). "
Indeed it is the position that no one had obtained among the Companions who entered earlier and the first four caliphs of Islam as well. That is because the attitude of Khadijah RHA. at first more glorious and greater than all the attitudes that support the da'wah is afterward. Indeed Khadijah RHA. God is a great blessing to the Prophet Muhammad. Khadijah RHA. accompanied the Prophet during a quarter century, do good to him when he was nervous, help him in difficult times, helped in conveying his message, join the bitter suffering at the time of jihad and help him with life and property. Rasulullah SAW said: "Khadijah believed me when people deny. He confirmed me when people are denied. And he gave his money to me when people do not give me anything. Allah gave me children, and forbid her son from me than he . "(Narrated by Imam Ahmad in "Musnad" of his, 6/118)
In the hadeeth narrated from Abu Hurairah ra., He said: "Jibreel came to the Prophet and said:" O, Messenger of Allah, Khadijah this has come to bring a bowl of soup, food or beverages. When he comes to you, tell him hello from his Lord and tell him about a house in Paradise, (made) of pearls that no noise in it and there is no hardship. "(Sahih Bukhari, Chapter marriage with Khadijah and the Prophet SAW virtues, 1 / 539)

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